CRS Membership

Be part of the CRS German Local Chapter

Membership Information


Regular members are individuals who conduct research and work in the field of pharmacy or related sciences on the development of novel therapeutic systems and are willing to support the Association in achieving its objectives.

Student members are individuals who are studying a relevant subject at a university or university of applied sciences or are pursuing a doctorate in such a field. Upon successful completion of their studies or obtaining their doctorate, they may apply for regular membership.

Senior members are regular members who are retired from their primary profession may apply for senior membership.

Supporting members are natural persons, legal entities, companies, corporations, or associations that wish to support the Association in achieving its objectives, without having voting rights.


The membership fees for regular, student, and senior members are determined by the 
General Assembly upon the suggestion of the Presidium. The membership fees for 
supporting members are set by the Presidium.

Application Form

You can download the membership application form right here:

Antrag (DE) application form (EN)

Please print and return the filled out and signed form via Mail to the treasurer:

Notification of Change
Should there be any changes regarding your membership, please inform us immediately.
Therefore you can simply download the form, fill it out and send it to
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