Information and Application
1. Who can apply for funding?
Any researcher affiliated with the lab of a current CRS German Local Chapter member can apply for the lab visit award. The applicant must be a member or apply to become a member at the time of the award.
2. What are the requirements of the host lab?
The head of the host lab can be anyone with expertise relevant to the proposed project. If not already a CRS local chapter member, the head of the host lab must also agree to apply to become a member at the time of the award.
3. How much funding can be awarded?
Stipends of €500 may be awarded per application. The award money will be transferred to the recipient upon completion of the research visit and submission of a report.
4. What are requirements of the award?
Guidance for the final report will be sent to all applicants upon award of the stipend. Award recipients will also be requested to present their general work at the next CRS Germany Local Chapter Meeting. Any publications or presentations of the work from the research visit must acknowledge the CRS Germany Local Chapter.
5. Are there any restrictions on the duration of the research visit?
The duration of the research visit is not restricted. However, the duration should also be justified in the application form. There are no restrictions on the scheduling of the research visit.
6. Are there submission deadlines for the application?
Applications can be submitted at any time to the President of the CRS Germany Local Chapter. There are no application deadlines. Up to five stipends may be funded per year. If the funding has been depleted for the current year, applicants will be advised upon submission of the application and the application considered for the next annual funding round.
7. How will the applications be evaluated?
All applications will be reviewed by the executive committee of the CRS Germany Local Chapter. Decisions will be communicated to the Applicants within a few weeks of submission.
8. How many times can researchers apply for the stipend?
Individual applicants may be granted only one stipend in a three-year period. There are no restrictions on the number of applicants within a single lab.